Sunday, August 29, 2010

We're Not in Kansas Anymore!

Departed:  Oakley, Kansas  9:00 a.m.      Arrived:  Oak Grove, Missouri   5:00 p.m.  396 miles

Hey Everybody,
We're not in Kansas anymore! I'm thinking that's a line from Wizard of Oz, but I mostly remember it for some army type person in Avatar..maybe... Anyway, no pictures today, couldn't open the window as it was still pretty windy til we got to Kansas City, MO.  There wasn't much to see but more corn fields.

A funny last night while eating supper at the Colonial Steak House in Oakley, KS... first of all the name, I thought right humorous. Then I asked the waitress about an item on the buffet, she responded Rocky Mountain Oysters, I responded I still don't know what that is, she responded, well, when they castrate the bull.... I said, got it, never mind, won't be trying that. They actually looked like fried green tomotoes. So I'm probably the only person that didn't know what Rocky Mountain Oysters were, but now I do. An educational birthday supper for me!

As we rode through central Kansas it looked a lot like I-75, started to see trees, valleys etc. then we went into an area called Flint Hills, lots of rolling hills and mesas with grass. We also saw part of the Tall Prairie Grass Preserve where they have brought some of the land back to what it was like before the settlers used up all the top soil and had the dust bowl. Anyway, very pretty tall grass, still blowing quite hard in the breeze.  Also learned that Eisenhower and Bob Dole are from Kansas. We rode on the first 8 miles on interstate ever created in Kansas. Of course, Bill says that makes sense because Eisenhower started the interstate system. How does he know all that stuff? Maybe because he watches the history, discovery, and travel channel, while I watch HGTV, Food Network, and Dancing with the Stars!
I also learned from my billboard reading that one Kansas farmer feeds 128 people. I believe it! I've never seen so many grain elevators, silos, etc.  This is definitely an agriculture economy around here. The other so astute observation I have made on this trip is that the trucks and the trains are what keep this country going! So next time you see a truck driver, toot your horn to say thanks!

And yet one more bit of billboard knowledge I picked up today; you can get season tickets to Kansas State football for 128.00.  I'm guessing they are a basketball school! You could hardly get one game ticket to any SEC football game for that!

Not much else exciting news today as we continue our trek home!
Happy Camping,

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