Thursday, August 26, 2010


From an overlook at Bryce Canyon
Hey Everybody,
The weather is picture perfect! With it being around 50 this a.m. and probably 80 this afternoon! We had a great morning taking the shuttle to all the different overlooks at Bryce Canyon.   It is different from the Grand Canyon in that it has these huge formations sticking up that are called hoodoos. I think named that because they can take on a spooky personality, particularly at night when lit by the moon. I am not a lover of heights as you may can tell by the picture below as I'm holding on for dear life.

There were people walking down to the bottom of this vantage point. Not me! You have to come back up!

We are back at Halle's palace, where she managed to do without us for a few hours. We had a little lunch and I think I'm going to have to have a little nap as all that hiking wore me out. Particularly after not having had a good night's rest as Halle brought ants to my bed. I only saw a few, but then of course felt them all night, real or imagined, they did not let sleep. I need to get some stamina to go do a little shopping at the awesome gift shop at Ruby's Inn.
Oh, and one more thing.... I swear to you that we only heard one group of people speaking English the whole time we were at the canyon lookouts, and that was the little old lady I got to take our picture. For sure, we heard Spanish, French, German, and Asian of some kind, and there were probably others I just didn't recognize the language.
Happy Camping!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I admit that I have bad techno-karma, but this is ridiculous. I have posted 3 comments and exactly 0 “took”. They didn’t show up. So, you missed my advice on what game to play in vegas and all my ooh’s and ah’s regarding the views and vistas. When the 3rd one didn’t work, I left you a nice long message on Facebook. And it said, “try again later” ! Darn that Facebook. Anyway, this time I’m typing in a word document so my message won’t disappear after I have fake-posted a comment.
    Sounds like the trip is still going well…ks
