Saturday, August 21, 2010

We're All Together Again, We're Here, We're Here

Hey Everybody,
Del Mar beach on the Pacific
I'll bet there are not many people outside of my family that know the song referenced to in the title of this post. My mom taught Kay and I this song that we always sang when we were pulling into the city limits of whatever small town we called home that year. Some of my favorite memories are in the car singing.
Anyway, we are all together again. Halle and I drove to Torrey Pines this afternoon to pick up Bill after his 4 day golfing excursion.We took the scenic route so I could look at the Pacific some more. I can't get used to the area being a "beach community". It is so neat that there are grassy areas next to the beach. Everybody and his brother was trying to find a parking place in Del Mar beach with their surf board in tow.  I have also been amazed at the number of bicycle riders there are in this hilly country.  I've passed many a bike rider  trudging up these hills so slowly that I thought their bike would come to a complete stop. I know I would have been pushing mine. Makes my calf muscles hurt to even think about it.

That's about it for today.
Happy Camping!


  1. Do you remember the remainder?
    …Who knows when we’ll be all together again, singing all together again, we’re here, we’re here. :)

  2. I really dislike retired people...the Inman's have been gone for 15 days and counting and if that is not good enough...the Dickey's left today for a month give or take....If anyone cares where I am...I will be at WORK!!!

    Sounds like you are having a blast..good for you!! Every thing looks ok next door. Have fun!
