Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's Dry Heat.... Your point is....

Departed: 8:00 Gallup, New Mexico     Arrived:  4:00  Lake Haveasue, Arizona   381 miles

Hey Everybody,

So we left the wonderful hills of New Mexico where the temperature this morning was a delightful 55 degrees to the desert of Arizona where right now the temperature is 109, but it only feels like 101. That's that dry desert heat for you! You really don't feel hot... NOT!  We had the thought that being near a lake in the desert, maybe there would be a few trees... another NOT! It's hard to even find a place for Halle to do her business!

The drive was really pretty, with mountains on the horizon, and  for a spell around Flagstaff we actually saw pine trees!

Two good things about this place, their Walmart is awesome, very clean, helpful people, short lines, and a huge deli section. Secondly, the cable, we have HGTV! I'll probably stay awake all night watching it. Since on this trip that's about what I do anyway, stay awake half the night, so at least I'll have something good to watch.

And a little off the subject, we were so disappointed that Karen Handel didn't quite have enough votes for the Republican nomination. They certainly worked hard.We are very proud of them.

That's all I've got for today.

Happy Camping!

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