Thursday, August 12, 2010

Third Rock from the Sun

Departed:  7:00 a.m.  Lake Haveasue, Arizona  Arrived:  2:00  Hemet, California  Miles:  278

Hey Everybody,
So first let me answer your question, "Where in the heck is Hemet?"  It is in southern California about 100 miles from San Diego, I think.  We are here because of an awesome RV Park Resort, Royal Palm.  And it is awesome, 3 pools, paved, palm trees, bushes, and even green grass. Oh, and some shade!
Bill was the inspiration for the title today when he said on the way here, "I feel like we are on another planet."  He said that because of all the brown mountains and rocky hills that we saw today. I got amused as we drove through the desert, we would go over a little culvert and it would be named... like Aztec Ditch or Wassau' Wash.. I guess every now and then they have a little water in them.  There was also a stretch that had a sign that said "Flash Floods for the next 10 miles." Hard to imagine that they could ever get that much rain.  Another aha moment we had yesterday, as we were trying to figure out exactly what time it was, the reason that Arizona doesn't participate in daylight savings time is that they don't want any extra daylight/sunshine!

A funny this morning as we splurged and ate out breakfast at a local diner (picture Plaza with the local table of men all 70+). They were all discussing/bragging on their Facebook accounts, how many friends they had found and that one of them had 24 messages this morning with friend requests! What a hoot!

That's it for today. I'm trying to keep it brief as we actually have to pay for wireless, here. But I'm not complaining, it is so nice!
Happy Camping,

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