Friday, August 20, 2010

Balboa Park

Spanish Art Village
Hey Everybody,
Yesterday Halle and I took off to La Jolla (prounced La Hoya) which is a beachside community.(forgot the camera) Very neat place, very crowded with surfer dudes and baby strollers. I guess it is pretty warm for here on the coast, so everyone was at the beach. I noticed that the majority of the surfers still had wet suits, the water is not quite like the warm gulf waters of which I am accustomed. We strolled around, Halle barked at a few dogs much bigger than herself, and we came back the scenic route through some valley with lots of big mansions. We crossed Bing Crosby Blvd., so I'm guessing he used to spend time in the area.

Today, I left Halle behind and headed into the city to Balboa Park. A very neat huge area with many museums, the San Diego Zoo, and once again lots of baby strollers.  Apparently there is a neat dinosaur exhibit right now at the museum of natural history, as I saw a group of 4-5 year olds on a field trip.  I must say I did have the thought, "I'm sure glad I'm not in charge." I don't think a field trip went by that I didn't come home with a headache... (very stressful for those in charge, you want to come back with as many as you took).And you speak to them through clinched teeth trying to look as calm and pleasant as possible, while wanting to "jerk their arm off and beat them over the head with it". (A phrase I learned from the girl I student taught for! Ha)
Anyway, made my way through the park, found the Spanish Art Village that I was looking for. In talking to a potter there I did find out that the magnificent Spanish style buildings at Balboa park were built for a world's fair and were just facades with no foundations that were meant to be torn down after the fair. Some folks in the San Diego community got together and decided to make them into real buildings with foundations and that the buildings could be used to house museums, etc. I'd say a smart move. So of course after talking to this potter lady for a while I had to make a few purchases. Then I headed back home to find that Halle had not moved a muscle while I was gone!
Happy Camping!
One of the museums at Balboa Park

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