Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ahh.....that sweet, cool mountain air

Hey Everybody,
Surprise, Surprise, we didn't stay in Las Vegas. Too dadburn hot, and besides it only took me 12 minutes to lose my allotted 20 dollars! Really, I timed it! So we hit the road in search of higher elevations and cool air.  The scenery on the way was breathtaking, as well.
 The drive through the Virgin Gorge in the tip of AZ.         
This road felt like we were in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Mesas high above us.  At places it seemed that they had dynamited through a mesa to make the road.  So as we drove further up in elevation the scenery changed a bit to ranches, grassy areas, sheep farms, cattle, and hay farms.
We even saw.... hold on to your hat.... a rain cloud!  See pic below.
Rain cloud looming in the distance!

So as we got higher it got cooler, we are currently at  7600 feet in altitude! As we followed the signs to Bryce Canyon it seemed we got further and further off the beaten trail.  We even went under this tunnel.  Luckily, my ever ready camper hubby, flipped down his visor where he has taped the height and width of our motorhome, to see if we could fit.  We cleared it with 2 feet to spare!  On to Ruby's Inn Campground, which seems to be its own city. It has its own restaurant, motel, shop, rodeo, and much more. We pull in and are set up. The air smells great, our site is shady sitting among the Ponderosa pines, the people around us have campfires going. It might be a smores night! At last, a real campground with trees! Tomorrow we will ride the shuttle in to Bryce Canyon, which promises for many kodak moments. (I don't put many pics because most wireless setups have been very slow!)
A very happy camper!

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