Sunday, August 8, 2010

Get Your Kicks on Route 66

Hey Everybody,

Departed:  8:00 central time Oklahoma City      Arrived:  3:00 mtn. time  Tumicari, New Mexico
Well, today was a pretty uneventful day. However, lots of new scenery, as we just breezed through Texas. We really had planned to stay in Amarillo but made very good time so just kept trucking.
We got off I-40 awhile and drove on historic route 66.  Every small town along the way claims a Historical Route 66 museum. Needless to say, we did not take in any of them.  And the driver would not stop at a single casino so that I could pay for the trip in one fell swoop! Of course, I didn't even bother to ask to stop at one of the Indian Trading Posts! Just wait til Bill is playing golf, I'll get my shopping in one way or another!
So on we went.  The landscape slowly changed to not quite as green, but still greener than I thought it would be.  The elevation rose steadily the whole trip. We have discovered the button on Mr. Garmin that will tell you the elevation so Bill kept saying, we're still going up.. check it... we did go from about 1000 feet above sea level to 4000. Anyway, I'm getting to be the pro on the garmin, maybe not quite as good as William but I'm pretty good.
In Texas we started seeing a good many wind turbines up on top of hills. They are huge! Of course, also in Texas we saw lots of cattle. One particular spot I promise there had to be thousands!
We also started to see small mesas or so I thought. Then as we got closer to New Mexico there were many huge mesas. There is one in particular near our RV park. Halle and I may venture toward it after supper for our walk. Of course things are not as close as they seem out here under the big sky.  We got to the New Mexico state line and they had the neatest entrance over I-40... gateway to the enchanted state or something like that.
That's about it for today. Sorry, not very entertaining today. We even had to resort to guessing artists/songs on the IPod!
Happy Camping!

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