Friday, August 27, 2010

Rocky Mountain, High, Colorado...

 Departed: 9:00 Bryce Canyon, Utah   Arrived:  Glenwood Springs, Colorado  5:00 p.m.  409 miles

Here we are backed up to the Colorado River at Glenwood Springs

Hey Everybody,
Here we are in the Rocky Mountains backed right up to the Colorado River. I'm getting looks from all the hippies as they are saying, "I can't believe she's sitting outside on the computer amidst this gorgeous setting!"  They just don't know I have to keep the blogging world happy! Ha!
We had a very scenic drive up U.S. Hwy 89 through Utah to I-70.  Lots of small ranches, hay fields and alfalfa fields (finally saw a sign identifying the crop that I didn't recognize). I also saw a lot of weather beaten planks that I wanted to stop and snatch to use for "the wedding", but being the honorable citizens we are, we didn't. The area had lovely streams meandering through, so it was nice to see cows munching on something green instead of just dirt! Speaking of snatching, all along this trip there have been rocks, rocks, rocks, and more rocks that I also wanted to take for souvenirs. I just want about 3 small boulders,well maybe large rocks, to put amongst my backyard plants. At home they apparently can cost hundreds! But once again, common sense prevails, and the fact that they are heavy!
Once we got on I-70 there were huge mesas and what looked to be mini canyons. We stopped at this overlook, Salt Water Wash, that was amazing. I don't know that you can get a sense of how huge the area was.  Right on the sidewalk there were a couple of locals selling Native American jewelry and pottery, although made in China, minor detail.
Salt Water Wash
You definitely can't tell from the picture that we were very high up.  Bill and I have decided thus far that Utah wins for the best scenery. What I can't understand, Utah's state nickname is The Beehive State. Go figure!

Oh, and this part of the Colorado River is where the Inman's, Bell's, Scott's, and Wortman's rafted a few years back. And where Cochran and I both fell out of the raft before we had even gotten seated. Shh... don't tell Cochran I told. We were both just thankful that we were not the only ones!

Off to figure out what's for supper. Since lunch was at 3:00, it might just be a bowl of soup.

And Go Dawgs, beat Jackets!

Happy Camping,

1 comment:

  1. just went back and read your trip blogs! Have a geat trip!!
