Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuck In The Middle With You

Hey Everybody,
Not really stuck in the middle, just stuck in San Diego! Roger (our now best friend in San Diego), the Ford mechanic, put the new part in and it still would not create a vacum to suck the gas vapors out of some pipe... so he calls the Ford hotline they said replace the ball thing in the middle of the thingmajig... so Roger orders the part and says come back tomorrow..... at least Roger is honest and explains things carefully and so as Bill and Frank Sinatra, ( I think) said, "That's Life!"

So several of you have said, "Are ya'll getting along with all of this togetherness?" Yes, suprisingly so.... the one thing that I get tickled/irritated with the driver about is, where he decides to park at say Walmart, Lowe's etc..   I think we can safely say all Walmarts and such box stores have HUGE parking lots, plenty of room for this 32 foot motorhome.  So each time we pull in the driver goes all the way to the front door of the store with people pushing buggies, dragging children, maneuvering loads of lumber and looks for the closest two places he can pull into.  Yesterday, mind you it's Sunday morning, plenty of spaces available,  at Lowe's he pulls into a place with misplaced carts on not one but both sides of the place. So I usually don't comment... but this time I say, there's only 7000 parking places and you pull into the one where you are going to hit one of those giant flatbed carts... about that time, crunch.. well, I am exaggerating, but we did bump it, and I did have to get out and move it out of the way. Bill says, but I like a challenge... Ha! So I guess if that's our biggest disagreement, we are doing swimmingly well. Speaking of swimming, off I go to the pool.
Happy Camping!

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