Friday, August 6, 2010

Ready or Not!

Hey friends,
Welcome to my travel journal through the blogging world as we head out on our first cross country rv tour.  I decided to do this today on our second day of our trip as I sat and tried to think of clever or not so clever things to post on Facebook.  I realized I had so much to say that I needed an alternative way to share besides e-mail and FB. Ha! So taking a nod from niece, Katie, I thought I'd try this out.

So first a little backtracking....

Day 1:

Departure: Tville  9:30 a.m.   Arrival:  Tupelo, Mississippi  5:00 p.m.  426 miles

First of all, we were a little late leaving as Bill had to check the air in the tires one more time! He has a gadget that is attached to each wheel and tells us in the cab what the air pressure in the tires is at all times. Needless to say he's a little paranoid about having a blow out... but I say that's a good thing to be a little paranoid about!  So off we went with GPS, IPOD, Tire thingamig, and assorted other essentials for travel.

Halle sits with me in the front for most of the time til she gets bored and wanders to the back. However, today it is so Hot that the temp in the back is 90 degrees, so she and I are resigned to staying up front. 
It was a pretty uneventful trip, we went much farther than we thought we would. Ended up in a nice little campground, Barnes Crossing in Tupelo, Mississippi. Right behind a mall and every restaurant chain you can think of.  But we resisted Red Lobster and had homemade soup as we had  had a late lunch. As you travel with the Inmans, you will come to see that we always have a late lunch. At least I can sneak in the back for a 100 calorie pack of goodies. 

Day 2
Departure: Tupelo, Miss.  8:00  a.m.    Arrival:  Russellville, Arkansas  4:00 p.m.   330 miles

Yes, we left early today, but when you go to bed at 9:00, it's time to get up at 6! So we were off early with our first stop being Oxford, Miss, as I wanted to drive through the Ole Miss campus. Loved it!
Campus is gorgeous and the downtown square around the courthouse is very quaint with a french style to it.  Reminded me of parts of New Orleans with the balconies and intricate iron work etc. I  must say it felt a little like a smaller Athens.

Next, let me just say that  Mississippi is called the Cotton State for a reason!  Cotton fields as far as the eye can see.  Of course as we left Mississippi and entered Arkansas we crossed the Mississippi River. I made Bill stop at the casinos on the river because I thought surely they would have a balcony or beautiful views from the casinos to the river so I could take a picture.  Wrong! That would take up valuable wall space for the slot machines.  Needless, to say I was probably the only person today that went in the casino one door and out the other door without dropping even one quarter in a slot.  So my Mississippi River pictures are from a moving vehicle with the cab overhang, bridge supports, and side view mirrors in the way!

Had lunch in a rest stop out of our refrigerator... that is definitely the best part about rving... food accessible at all times!

Rest of the day pretty uneventful with the exception of a horrendous rain storm as we went through Little Rock as Bill held on tight with both hands as semis breezed by us!

Happy Camping!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are rolling off to a great start. But, who the heck goes into a Casino and drops no cash?? Crazy…aren’t you supposed to be leisurely driving, stopping to smell the roses, pick the cotton, and drop the quarter??? Well, it’s a good thing you like your travel companions – 6000 miles or whatever the mileage to San Diego and back is, uh….long. Today, we signed our design contract. In 2.5 months we will have a kitchen that rivals the one in your RV. Who-hoo!! Thanks for blogging! ks
