Monday, August 30, 2010

Take a right and go south!

Departed: 9:00  Oak Grove, Missouri         Arrived:  5:00   Marion, Illinois   346 miles
The mighty Mississip!

Hey Everybody,
Here we are in Marion, Illinois at the Marion RV Campground, where it says on their brochure, "Come and enjoy southern hospitality."  What???  They are certainly very nice, but surely they don't consider themselves southern!!   Maybe, southern Illinois.

The day started off very gray and gloomy, and actually rained quite a bit while in and near St. Louis.  Bill humored me as I wanted to go see the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. Of course, it is right downtown on the river.  Manuvering the 32 foot rolling box of tin wasn't exactly easy, but Bill was a champ.
Gateway to the West!

Now that we've been through some of the western terrain, I would not have wanted to be Lewis and Clark.  They are honored at the Gateway Arch by this statue that is right in the water.

Lewis and Clark statue in the water on the Mississippi. 
So as we were ready to leave St. Louis for Marion, Illinois I punch in the address of the Marion campground into the Garmin. (I don't think I've paid homage to the Garmin, we would not have made it without it!) The Garmin is set to take us on the easiest route, although maybe not fastest. Well, to get out of the riverfront area apparently there was only one way.... You cannot tell how steep or bumpy the road is that is pictured below, but it really tested our Ford E 450 engine as we made it up historic Morgan Street. Don't know how the horses did it!

And did I mention it was quite narrow as well!

 The rest of the drive was pretty nondescript, mostly because I was asleep and can't describe it. I'll stick with it looked a lot like north Georgia!

Happy Camping,

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