Saturday, August 28, 2010

From the mountains to the prairies.....all in one day

Departed: Glenwood Springs, Colorado   9:00 a.m. (mtn.)          Arrived:  Oakley, Kansas  5:30 p.m. (central)   405 miles

Ski runs with green grass instead of white snow, around Vail, I think

Hey Everybody,
What a ride! Who knew it would be easier to ride through the Rocky Mountains than through the plains of Colorado and Kansas?  Bill was holding on with both hands as the wind was a constant 30-35 mph with gusts to 50.  Thank goodness we didn't know that while we were traveling. As soon as we arrived to High Plains Campground in Oakley, Kansas the extremely hospitable hostess asked Bill how he handled the wind. She told us what the wind speed had been all afternoon and that it would continue through the night. She said I'll give you a space that maybe will block some wind and not have you rocking all night.  Thus far, we are rocking!
So we went from high rocky mountains to the high plains and miles and miles of corn fields, with a little bit of oats, and wheat sprinkled in.  There were also a couple of huge fields of sunflowers, too.  I tried to take a picture of the corn fields... a mistake... when I rolled down the window I about blew us off the road! So appreciate this picture of corn, as if you have never seen any! Ha!
Corn fields, can't you tell?

I was trying to take a picture to show you how windy it was as Bill's shirt is billowing. (He hasn't gained weight.)

Well, lucky me, a steak house is right next to the campground, so we will go have my birthday supper there! Hooray!
Happy Camping,


  1. Happy Happy Birthday! Glad you were able to find a birthday dinner place that was nearby and did not involve cooking or washing dishes. Too bad you couldn't get a picture of the sunflower field. I'm sure that was stunning!
    Take Care,

  2. Happy Birthday! Great way to increase in age--traveling!!! kbr
