Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stalactites and Stalagmites, Oh My!

Departed:  Russell City, Kentucky  8:30 a.m.
Arrived:  Cave City, Kentucky  4:07 p.m.
60 Miles
Cave City Campground

Hey Friends,
So here we are in Cave City near Mammoth Cave National Park. Today was sightseeing day. After a short ride from Russell City to Cave City we drove to Diamond Caverns to see Kentucky underground.

  Here are several pictures of stalactites and stalagmites inside the caverns. So who remembers from their fourth grade science class how to tell stalagmites from stalactites, stalagmites has a "g" comes from the ground, stalactites has a "c" comes from the ceiling.... can't remember where I put the keys but I can remember science that I taught years ago!!

 We only went down about 80 feet. Bill nor I had ever been in a cavern, Gene and Mary have been to Carlsbad Caverns where you go about 1000 feet down below, needless to say there was an elevator there. Not so here...... There were quite a few sets of steps going down, and of course one had to come back up! Aerobic activity for the day! I for one was huffing and puffing!

 We considered playing golf this afternoon, but decided we'd rather wait to get a little further north with cooler, less humid weather.. . we hope... We understand Tville has gotten some rain today. I hope so, we needed it!

As we went in a circle today getting out of Mammoth Cave National Park, and went through some back country roads, we all noticed how neatly manicured the yards are of even the most modest of houses. Lots of rolling hills and farmland, but where are the horses??

Now we are at our campground, a small, nicely landscaped campground in the middle of 
a cornfield!! Here's proof! The view out of our window. The corn here is so beautiful and healthy looking.  So it was a short day on the road today, but probably a long one tomorrow as we would like to get north of Indianapolis. 
Happy Camping,

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