Sunday, July 24, 2011


Departed: Wauseon, Ohio  8:00 a.m.
Arrived: Niagara Falls   2:40 p.m.
Niagara Falls KOA

Hey friends,
Not too much to report today other than the roads in northern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York are awful!! We got beat up today, you can imagine in our rolling box of tin that everything that could rattle, did!

We went through more farm land and I had one of those "aha" moments about harvest time. I always felt it was silly for us in Georgia to be talking about Fall and harvest time when harvest time for us starts in July. I guess those farms not in the deep south or California do harvest the crops in September and October.  Most of the corn around here looks like it has at least 2 more months to go. As we got closer to the rolling hills of New York we also started to see lots of grape vineyards.

Oh, about last night. We did walk down to the pavilion to the concert by the Skeeter's band. A typical cover band of some country, some oldies, etc.  Trucks were surrounding the pavilion where those in attendance had pulled up their trucks with the tailgate down in the back to sit on and put their coolers in. The little kids were dancing, the 11-13 age groups were shoving and flirting, and the teenagers were probably in the woods somewhere. :) We walked Halle around part of the campground, made it back to our site where we could hear the music quite easily.  At least Bill's loud television drowned it out while I read a bit.

So we did make it to Niagara Falls to the campground this afternoon, but we are tired and have decided that we'll go to the falls in the morning, since we can't hit the road early anyway due to Buffalo traffic.

Since we have great free wireless here (should be, since this is the most expensive campground we've stayed in...66 dollars) I've been surfing a bit and saw that UGA and Glen Arven's own Harris English won a Nationwide Tour Event... awesome...too bad he's still an amateur, walked away from a 144,000 pay day! I understand he's staying amateur in hopes that he'll be able to participate in the Walker Cup.

Here's a couple of pictures from today, not too exciting.
 Downtown Buffalo

Bridge going over to Grand Island, which was yet another 2.00 toll. I think today's toll roads were a total of 18.00 for crummy roads!

Happy Camping!

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