Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Much Cooler Great Lakes Kind of Day

Departed: Cheboygan, MI  10:00 a.m.
Arrived:  St. Ignace, MI 4:30  p.m. via Mackinaw City, Sault St. Marie
168 miles
Lakeshore RV Park

Hey friends,
 Today we went north on I-75 as far as you could go to Sault St. Marie where Lakes Superior and Huron meet and there are a series of locks that enable ships to go through the straits there. First we drove over the famous Mackinac(pronounced mackinaw) Bridge, a huge majestic structure built in 1957. There are 33 foundations resting on bedrock supporting the 4 mile long uninterrupted steel structure. The 2 huge tower foundations descend more than 200 feet below the water. (I read brochures, well don't I) And today there were men all over working on it making me very nervous as we had to squeeze by in our rig in one lane.

On the way to the Soo Locks we stopped at Brimley State Park for a picnic lunch on the shores of Lake Superior. There were people in bathing suits on the "beach" there acting as if it were 90 degrees. I'm guessing it was a comfortable 78, with water temperature much colder!

The locks were very interesting and we actually got to see a couple of huge ships manuever through them. Of course it probably would have been even more interesting if a certain someone had not wanted to take the dogs with us, which cramped our style. See picture below for hint.
Note sign: bridge to Canada
After leaving the locks, we headed back south on I-75 to a campground we had scoped out earlier in the day. That is a BIG, and important decision everyday, "where are we setting up camp"! Of course, we need water and electricity, and of course I want wireless access and cable tv... don't always get it, but a girl has to aim high!  What at first glance didn't seem like such a find, this campground, Lakeshore Campground has been great, awesome view, shade trees, friendly folks, and wireless! Here is our view from the front of our motorhome.
And here is Halle getting brave as she ventures out into the water of Lake Michigan.
And the last picture, a neat one of the sun reflecting off of Lake Michigan.
So today we have seen Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan. So I'd say it was a Great Lakes kind of  day. Tomorrow off to Mackinac Island for a step back in time.
Happy Camping!

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