Friday, October 21, 2011

Take the Long Way Home

Departed: Pine Mountain  11:00 a.m.
Arrived: Home  (via Providence Canyon) 4:30 p.m.

Hey Friends,
We woke up to a beautiful but cold morning at the Pine Mountain RV Park surrounded by lots and lots of very expensive motorhomes.  Gene and his dog, Buddy, walked the entire park and counted the number of the Bluebird motorhomes and decided there was about 30 million dollars worth on the property.  The Bluebirds are the ones that celebrities often get custom made for their travels. They are mighty fine. 

Since we were in no hurry, Bill suggested that we go by Providence Canyon, which we have seen signs of on the way to Columbus for years, but never had time or took the time to go check it out.  The Bells had already been there before so we excused them and they trucked on home.  So we turned right on Highway 27 and took off to “The Little Grand Canyon”.  Well, let me say don’t make a special trip there. I was pretty underwhelmed. I was mostly irritated that I couldn’t get close enough to get any impressive photos to share with my blog buddies. So we spent about 15 minutes at the Providence Canyon.  As we were leaving Bill says, “so what do you give it on a scale of 1 to 10?”  We both said “4”.
Here are my attempts to show you what it looked like.

After looking at the pictures, maybe it would be better to go in the dead of winter when there are no leaves on the trees and you could get a better look!

 By now it’s time for a little lunch and we had seen a sign that said 4 Way Bar-b-que in Lumpkin, Ga.  We found it in an old house in downtown Lumpkin.  If you can picture an old brick house with a wrap around porch maybe like one might find on Dawson St. in Thomasville, that’s what the  bar-b-que place was like.  There were three big smoker/cookers on the front porch, of course it smelled delicious.  We placed our order and waited on the front porch.  There was a rather, shall I say, “earthy” couple sitting outside on the front porch. We struck up a conversation.  They had been to Providence Canyon for TWO days!! They hiked to the bottom and talked about how awesome it was! We, of course, agreed what a marvelous sight. HA! I asked how long it took them, they had hiked the rim one day about 3 hours, and then to the bottom and back up another 4 hours!  I guess we just didn’t get far enough away from the motorhome!!

So we decided to go home a different way continuing down highway 27 through Cuthbert, Blakely, Bainbridge etc… Bill said a nice drive through lots of farm land.  However, those of us in the passenger’s seat were snoozing.  So here we are at the end of another adventure. And here I sit working on my blog rather than emptying the motorhome. Tomorrow’s another day!
Thanks for riding along.

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