Friday, October 14, 2011


Hey friends,

Well they say at the Ocean Point course at Fripp, you measure your golf outing by how many balls you lost! Yikes! I think there was water on 7 of the 9 holes we played, I only dinked two in the water. Not bad, but with my game there are worse things that hitting in the water! In spite of the few lost balls, it was nice to be outside on a gorgeous day. And I forgot to mention how windy it was. Steady 18-20 mph, of course I don't think the wind was my problem! I did have a few good shots, was putting for par a couple of times, was at the "beach" (in the sandtrap) more than I've ever been. But enjoyed playing with my niece, (the bride), and her brother, (the pro of the group) and the hubby.  I think tomorrow I'll give my place to Josh and Julie and I will enjoy sitting on the beach with the pups.

Here are some pics of the beautiful sunrise, golfing, and a baby alligator we came upon while golfing. 

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