Thursday, October 13, 2011

Frolicking at Fripp

Departed:  10:00 a.m.
Arrived:  4:00 p.m.
302 milesfor

Fripp Island, South Carolina

Hey friends,
Here we are at the lovely Fripp Island just north of Hilton Head. We are here for the wedding of a niece. The weather looks to be perfect for Saturday!

First of all I must admit I really wasn't going to blog today but planned to wait til Sunday when we head on our Fall Foliage adventure in the Smokies, however I had to share a funny that happened as soon as we were getting cranked up this morning to head out.  You may have to scroll back down or (however you get to it) to my first entry for our trip to Michigan when Bill had the bad day with the tires, me losing the wallet with all of the special membership cards, Bill spilling his chick-fil-a etc.... I digress... anyway back to this morning, I'm checking the dashboard for the walkie talkies, phone, camera, etc., can't find the second walkie talkie so I'm digging around in the compartment between the two seats and lo and behold but what do I find but the wallet with all the membership cards!!! I burst out laughing and show it to Bill... it was stuck up at the top of the compartment where I wouldn't have seen it unless I stood on my head and used a flashlight!  I knew I hadn't thrown that dadburn thing away!! Hooray!  I'm vindicated!!!

We had an uneventful drive east on 84, and a short while on I-95, so far so good... well you think when you see an exit sign that says Hilton Head, Beaufort SC... oh good we're almost there.  Not so fast.... 50 bridges later and crossing the intercoastal waterways I don't know how many times we finally arrive.  You look at the map and say oh that's not too far... ha... if you were a bird! Anyway, got here, parked the rv, loaded up the brother-in-laws truck and moved all of our stuff into a neat house right on the ocean. (No camping at Fripp.) Looks to be a great weekend. Here are a couple of pics outside the front of the house and of Halle and I walking. We have already had numerous encounters with deer. They are everywhere!

Off to the Boathouse for some supper and to catch up with the cousins!

Happy Camping, (well I guess Happy Beaching since we really aren't camping.)

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